Sorghum Malt & Syrup
Brewing Industry
Our Sorghum Malt Extracts are widely used in gluten free brewing. Our Sorghum is gluten free certified; we test our sorghum extracts extensively to ensure our product remains pure & gluten free. Sorghum malt can replace other brewing malts at a 1:1 ratio. More often than not, Sorghum extract is commonly used in general craft brewing also, this is due to the increase in product yield and a preferred flavour profile over barley malts. Sorghum malts are available in white sorghum extract malts and red sorghum extract malts.
The proteins, total nitrogen and free amino nitrogen contents of sorghum malt and worts achieved from mashes show that sorghum is a prized alternative substitute for conventional beer brewing. The biochemical characteristics of our sorghum extract cultivars affect their optimal malting conditions.
What makes our Sorghum quality outstanding? the secret is in the temperature & time of steeping and germinating of the grains with their essential enzymic activities, along with controlled kilning temperature. The mashing, viscosity and fermentability of worts result in brews with the ideal alcohol content, flavour, colour, aroma and specific gravity as well.
Sorghum is a gluten free grain-based extract. Sorghum syrup provides the necessary proteins and amino acids for yeast nutrition, head retention and body development. Sorghum Malt Extract also provides the desired colour, aroma, flavours needed for that ultimate brew!
Gluten Free Beer – A 1:1 substitute for LME for 100% extract brewing.
Use with concentrated worts to produce a spectrum of beer styles.
Sorghum Malt’s unique flavour is quite mild, allowing it to be used in any recipe as a unique liquid which assists to boost initial gravities while increasing overall brewing yield.